Buwakan ni Alejandra: Enchanting Flower Garden

Buwakan ni Alejandra Trail
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Important Information
Brief Description:Located along the Cebu Transcentral Highway, about an hour from Cebu City, Buwakan ni Alejandra is a 700 square meter garden. Approximately 200 kinds of flora and fauna can be found there, including a variety of flowering plants.
Location:Transcentral Highway Gaas, Balamban, Cebu
Entrance Fee:Adult: P75.00
Kids: P50.00
Seniors: P50.00
Contacts:0947 358 9142 / 0908 768 9379
Opening/Closing Time:7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
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What is Buwakan ni Alejandra?

Buwakan ni Alejandra
Photo Credit: Buwakan ni Alejandra FB

Located along the Cebu Transcentral Highway, about an hour from Cebu City, Buwakan ni Alejandra is a 700-square-meter garden. Approximately 200 kinds of flora and fauna can be found there, including a variety of flowering plants.

In honor of Eleuterio Gentap’s own mother-in-law, this attraction was named. In addition to being a councilman, Gentap also serves as the landscaper for the flower garden. 

The word “buwak” is translated as “flowers” in Cebuano, the predominant language spoken in the Visayas. The word “buwakan” thus comes to mean “flower garden.”

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What to Look For in Buwakan ni Alejandra?

These are some expected sceneries in Buwakan ni Alejandra:

  • Colorful Flower Garden
  • 200 Kinds of Flora and Fauna
  • Walking Trail
  • Photo Stage
  • Resto Bar

Colorful Flower Garden

Buwakan ni Alejandra Flowers
Photo Credit: Buwakan ni Alejandra FB

We might be able to connect with nature halfway through this beautiful flower garden of Buwakan ni Alejandra. Until you see this garden, you won’t believe it exists here in Cebu. And the panorama view will keep you turning without blinking your eyes.

200 Kinds of Flora and Fauna

The term flora and fauna refers to all the plants and animals on this planet; it encompasses everything. And you can see approximately 200 kinds of them in this garden.

Walking Trail

Walking through this paradise of flowers will make you feel like you’re in a dream. Your eyes won’t get tired seeing these colorful flowers and plants.

Photo Stage

Photo Credit: Buwakan ni Alejandra FB

As you walk through the trail, you will also see a small stage (a stage that looks like a heart and wing) where you can take pictures. Feel free to take photos as many as you like.

Resto Bar

You can rest here if you feel tired after walking around the garden for a while or eat some snacks if you are hungry. Delicious foods are waiting for you here.

There is also an open stage or terrace where you can host special occasions. Suitable for small gatherings.

Entrance Fee

Prepare your entrance fee:

  • Adult: P75.00
  • Kids: P50.00 (6-10 years old)
  • Seniors/PWD: P50.00

Also check: Sirao Flower Garden in Cebu: Captivating Flowers

Other Services

Here are some other offered services in Buwakan ni Alejandra:

  • Purchase flower seedlings
  • Photoshoot: P500.00
  • Venue for weddings and small gatherings

You can also buy flower seedlings and plants. If you are planning for your prenuptial photoshoot, then this could also be a could place to take your wedding photos.

They also offered a venue for weddings and small gatherings amidst the CoVID19 pandemic, we are just not so sure if this offer is still available. Anyway, just contact the number ahead of time to inquire and reserve the venue.

Take Responsibility

Buwakan ni Alejandra Family Picture

It is your responsibility to follow and respect the rules of the garden. Help remind your fellow tourists to protect the flowers, especially when you see someone already stepping on them. Make sure your trash is disposed of properly, and leave no trace of your presence.

The Best Time to Visit 

You are most likely to enjoy Buwakan ni Alejandra on a sunny day. That will surely pop the colors of your photos. Anyway, they will close the premise if there is a storm to protect the flowers.

And if you wish to avoid crowds, don’t visit during holidays and weekends.

How to Get There?

Buwakan ni Alejandra 2

Commuters can take the V-hire from the Ayala Center Terminal to Balamban via the Transcentral highway route. Let the driver know where you want to be dropped off: Buwakan ni Alejandra.

If you are driving, you can use Google Maps to get directions. Parking space is also available.

Buwakan ni Alejandra Picture Compilation

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