Simala Church in Cebu: The Miraculous Shrine

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Important Information
Brief Description:At the top of Lindogon, Sibonga, Cebu lies Simala Church, a miracle healing church dedicated to all forms of the Virgin Mary.
Location:Marian Hills, Lindogon, Sibonga, Cebu
Entrance Fee:FREE
Parking Fee:P50
Opening/Closing Time:8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
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What is Simala Church in Cebu?

Simala Chruch Mama Mary

At the top of Lindogon, Sibonga, Cebu lies Simala Church, a miracle healing church dedicated to all forms of the Virgin Mary. 

This holy place is also known as Our Lady of Lindogon Shrine or Monastery of the Holy Eucharist. A place like this is ideal for meditation and soul-searching.

It was built by a group of Marian Monks from the Eucharistic Adoration of Pampanga in 1998. It is considered to be one of the most prestigious churches in Cebu. 

From a distance, it resembles a castle with the Virgin Mary centered on it. On September 8, a statue reportedly shed tears of blood as she celebrated her birthday.

And gained the name “Miraculous Mama Mary Church”.

Also check: Basilica Minore del Sto. Nino De Cebu: Epic History

What to Look For in Simala Church?

Here are some expected things to see and do:

  • Beautiful Structure and Architecture
  • Spacious and Green Environment
  • Religious Things (Sculptures, Paintings, and Statues of Saints)
  • The Crying Virgin Mary Statue
  • Big Statue of the Virgin Mary
  • Prayer Hall
  • Attend Mass
  • Candle Lighting and Pray
  • Replica of the Well of Nazareth 

Beautiful Structure and Architecture

friends in Simala Church

It is undeniable that many people came to visit because they want to see it in their eyes of the design, structure, and architecture of Simala Church in Cebu.

Here the Marian monks live, work, and pray at the Monastery of the Holy Eucharist. It is one of the most beautiful churches in Cebu.

Spacious and Green Environment

On the right was a lovely view of Marian Hills, home to Simala Shrine, and the monks who were named after it. You are looking at a very spacious and green environment.

Religious Things (Sculptures, Paintings, and Statues of Saints)


Numerous sculptures and statues of saints you can see in the Simala Church. Looking up at the church you will see the colorful paintings on the domed ceiling. 

The Crying Virgin Mary Statue

One of the statues you will see is the crying Virgin Mary. To enter the prayer area, take your shoes off, and proceed up the stairs. You will also walk past the letters of prayer.

You may need to wait for up to an hour to pray in front of the Virgin Mary, or to kiss the shrine. The churches hold this area to be the most sacred part. 

People come here for various reasons, such as to pray for the health and recovery of loved ones. They may also come here to give thanks for passing exams or having sunshine on a particular occasion.

You can also see the dress the Miraculous Mother Mary wore on the day she shed tears at the museum down to the next floor. 

Big Statue of the Virgin Mary

From a distance, you will already see the huge replica of the Miraculous Mama Mary in front of Simala Church.

Prayer Hall

On the way down from the Miraculous Virgin Mary statue, you are going to pass through the Prayer Hall. There were countless letters from worshippers thanking Mother Mary for healing them displayed everywhere. 

People who were once paralyzed and now can walk have donated wheelchairs and crutches to thank the Virgin Mary for her miracle. 

Among the other items on display are hand-drawn paintings, graduation robes, books, and many different stories related to miracles, answered prayers, and blessings.

Attend Mass

Masses are celebrated at this shrine, as it is specially established for religious purposes. For those who wish to attend the Eucharistic Celebrations, please note the schedule below:

  • Sundays: 12:00 PM and 3:00 PM
  • Mondays – Fridays: 12:00 PM.
  • Saturdays: 12:00 PM and 3:00 PM
  • 13th of the Month: 12:00 PM and 3:00 PM

Candle Lighting and Pray

As they pray at this holy place, devotees will undoubtedly light candles endlessly. You will notice candles of different colors used in their various prayers. The shrine has a place where you can purchase them.

The colors and prayers associated with them are as follows:

  • White: Purity (Enlightenment, guidance, right path)
  • Cream: Conversion of Faith (Children, household, couples)
  • Gray: Deliverance (Bad ways, bad spirits)
  • Gold: Healing (Good health, recovery, spiritual, family tree)
  • Yellow: Peace (Courage, strength, hope)
  • Orange: Reconciliation (Sweetheart, wife, husband, enemy)
  • Green: Prosperity and Success (Exams, study, financial, business)
  • Red: Love (Friendship, engagement, family)
  • Pink: Thanksgiving and Happiness (Spiritual, physical)
  • Blue: Perseverance (Employment, career, promotions)
  • Violet: Achievement (Plans in life, journey, voyage, struggles, and endeavors)
  • Brown: Vocation (God’s servant, marriage bond, single life)
  • Black: Souls (Forgiveness, pardon)

Replica of the Well of Nazareth

Filipino culture has adopted the tradition of wishing wells that were influenced by European culture. There is a replica of the Nazareth Well where people throw coins while silently wishing for something.

Reasons Why People Visit Simala Church

we love Mama Mary

Some people (whether Catholics or non-Catholics) come for curiosity’s sake, but there are many other reasons as well. To see the whole structure, design, or architecture of a place intrigues them. 

This is where the Monastery of the Holy Eucharist is located, where Marian monks live, work, and pray.

Building and establishing the place was done in the hope of attracting people who would come and pray. Many people say that the whole place reminds them of European cathedrals, which is evident in its architecture and all it contains.

The main reason people come to the Virgin Mary is to pray, petition, express their devotion to her, and wish to receive various graces from her.

It is relevant to note that some people come to be healed of various illnesses. From minor physical ailments to even praying for miracles such as becoming well again after being lame. Many believers claim that miracles happen here!

Before you visit Simala Church in Cebu, be mindful of the things you shouldn’t wear:

  • No short skirts
  • No shorts above the knee (men and women)
  • No sleeveless or backless clothes (women)
  • No sleeveless tank tops (men)
  • No cropped tops showing your stomach
  • No see-through/transparent clothes
  • No fitting or sexy clothes
  • No baseball caps

The Best Time to Visit Simala Shrine Church

It is advisable to visit the Blessed Virgin Mary on weekdays and early in the morning to avoid crowds as many locals come to pray and worship there. The weekend schedule is very busy, as Mass is held twice, once at 12 PM and at 3 PM.

Simala Church in Cebu Video

How to Get There?

If you are visiting Cebu for the first time and arrived at Mactan Cebu International Airport, then you need to ride a taxi going to South Bus Terminal. This will save you some money.

You can also try to negotiate with the taxi driver how much they charge if you want to go straight to Simala Church. If you can afford the price, then you can go ahead for less hassle.

But if you want to commute or ride the bus, go to South Bus Terminal and ask what bus is going to Sibonga or Simala.

You can get off at the Lindogon bus stop. There is a waiting tricycle at the bus stop that will take you to Simala Shrine Church. The bus ride to Lindogon will probably take two hours or more.

Simala Church in Cebu Picture Compilation

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3 Comments on “Simala Church in Cebu: The Miraculous Shrine”

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